Sunday 1 March 2015

And The Lord Said, "Let there be light!"

I've mentioned previously that I wasn't happy with the interior lighting on Dai. Basically there were just two spotlights at the back plus the vehicle interior light, none of which was that much use when during at the table or reading. Having tried some battery led lights last week (they were useless) I decided I somehow needed to get a 12v light fitted, the difficulty being the wiring.

Some lateral thinking made me realise that it should be possible to feed the wires behind the headlining from one of the spotlights but it wasn't going to be the easiest of jobs. I got a 12v led strip light ordered and made a quick call to my brother to see if he'd for a set of fishing rods (the electrician's type, not piscatorial). He hadn't, but was prepared to get some as he'd got a couple of jobs that he would need them for (he's a marine electrician).

Fortunately the light arrived Friday and brother brought the rods over Saturday after lunch. As expected it took quite a while but some lateral thinking from both of us saw a wire through with no real drama. This morning I was able to get the light wired up and fitted, I've just been out and had a look now it's dark and it lights up the interior brilliantly (pun intended).

I did carry on with the other electrics from last week for a while today but it was fairly breezy which made the job too dangerous - the tailgate wouldn't stay open! I know what I need to pick up to finish that job though and it won't take too long.

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