Monday 11 July 2016

The Kit List Grows!

I'm well into my third season with Dai now, and I've been debating whether to replace or not next spring. As of this weekend I've decided I'll give it at least one more year (God and MOT inspectors willing).

One of the advantages of the campervan is the ability to change sites easily, which I've found means I'm tending to only travel short distances each day, often 10-15 miles. The downside of course is that it does take a few minutes to pack away completely each time. As a result I've bought an electric bike. It folds small enough (just) to fit inside the camper, although a bike rack may well be added anyway, and should give me a comfortable 40-60 mile range with a reasonable amount of pedalling whilst not going too slowly up hills.

I've also decided it's time to add an awning. It's something I've been debating for the last 3 years but managed without. I'm away for a weekend at a rally in September and it would be useful to accommodate a couple of guests, so that's the primary excuse. It would also give me a bit more flexibility on sites, currently I really need facilities as the toilet provision is only adequate for a couple of nights - with an awning I can take the large Porta Potti. Then I can also consider sorting out the Cadac barbecue and various other things that can be carried then stowed under cover. So now it's a case of finding the right one. The Vango Airbeam that I'd really like is too big and too expensive so it's back to searching and hoping I get a bargain.

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