Saturday 30 May 2015

Having woken up at my usual time of 6am I took the opportunity to do my ablutions and have a shower in the relatively quiet facilities block (quiet apart from the chap who clearly needs to give up the Woodbines). A bacon and tomato sandwich followed before I got packed up. I tend to have a last walk to the toilets (which I did) and drop the barrier card off hehe leaving - good job I didn't do the latter as unusually you need the card to get out as well. Even then it took three attempts to get it to open.

Rather than head straight to the M1 I set the satnav on Eco Route and went over the tops past Sheffield. It was a glorious morning and a really nice drive, couldn't have done that when towing though.

After killing a little time I headed to the boatyard where I'd been promised parking. After a bit of confusion we guy sorted out and I'm securely moored next to the canal behind a locked gate. I'm sure the owner doesn't want, and wouldn't take, anything so I've passed some drinks money on via my friend to be given to him later.

After a short wait, when I chatted to the Canal and River Trust guys who were going the PR and advice stint I was collected and we headed for the pub. Lovely to see some old friends. It gets boring after that as it mainly involves beer, with interruptions for food and a pointless quiz. Since of us did move on from The Fleece to the local Wetherspoons for a while, then for various reasons were all headed out different ways. I wended my way back down to Dai where I'm currently supping a last beer before bed.

I'm totally off grid this time so the Porta Potti will come out before bed!

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