Friday 29 May 2015

Leeds-ing Astray, Day 1

As I'm going to a bit of a do in Leeds tomorrow I decided to take the opportunity of a long weekend. Today I travelled up to Castleton in Derbyshire, with a few drops on the way.

As usual I planned around railways, this time the Rudyard Lake Steam Railway. The weather was fairly awful driving up, and realising I was going to miss the 11 o'clock train anyway I wandered around Leek for s while (partly because there was a free parking space so I used it).

it was still raining when I arrived at the railway, and really there's not a lot to see, the cafe etc. only open on weekends. I got a few photos before the train arrived, which turned out to be a diesel despite the signs saying steam. I'm not really surprised on a cold wet weekday.

The three mike run up beside the lake is pretty enough and I've come away with s few photos. Strictly shaking of course it's a reservoir feeding the canal.

After that I pointed Dai towards the caravan site, stopping in Buxton for a quick lunch. The site is quite a large one, but reasonably peaceful until I could hear a brass band playing. I had seen some signs for something on in Castleton, having walked down to the town after dinner there's the Castleton Garland procession happening. Couldn't get near enough to see anything so I'm in the pub!

The Peaks Inn had a good sign on the door for all walkers - Muddy Boots Welcome!

1 comment:

  1. You moan about my speeling! People what lives in glass houses...
